About Us
InspectorDatabase.com is a free service for home buyers, realtors, and other real estate professionals to connect with local home inspectors and verify their credentials, licensing, and get more information about each inspection company before making their decision about which inspector to hire for their inspection needs.
Listing your home inspection company on the inspectordatabase.com website is a free service of the Professional Home Inspection Institute. If you would also like to list your website URL and a link to your website, we simply ask that you add a link back to our website.
To use the site, enter a zip code or city name (or part of the city name if you are unsure of the spelling) and click "Search". If an inspector has listed his or her company in the area you selected, you will see the company listing show up under that search. Click on each inspection company's listing to compare companies and verify credentials. You can use this website to send inspection inquiries to inspectors in your area. (Sending SPAM through this website is strictly prohibited).